How to Increase Conversion Rate for WooCommerce with A/B Testing

How to increase eCommerce conversion rate with the A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension.

Figuring out how to increase conversion rate results with A/B testing for your WooCommerce store can get overwhelming real fast. But, focusing on the changes that actually affect your bottom line makes increasing your eCommerce conversion rate with A/B testing no longer unwieldy.

You can make this happen quickly by setting up an A/B testing plugin specifically designed for WooCommerce.

You’ll be able to stop focusing on design changes that get unpredictable and wildly varying results and update what actually positively impacts your eCommerce conversion rate.

What will make all the difference is focusing on your customers’ top priority: all your pricing opportunities.

Here are more details on conversion rates as well as A/B testing, why you need it, and how to increase conversion rate results for your online store using the A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension.

A/B Testing and Why You Need It for WooCommerce

A/B testing is a marketing strategy that can show you how to increase conversion rate results. It’s able to test changes you make to a web page to see if they’re actually useful in converting visitors into customers. Or, if the changes are otherwise successful in getting visitors to complete some other action you want them to take.

This is done by showing half of your visitors the original page while the other half of your audience is shown the page with your changes. The user engagement for both pages is tracked so you can compare them and see if your improvements were successful at increasing your conversion rate.

A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors you’re able to convince to complete your desired action based on your marketing.

A/B testing is imperative for any website where you want to increase your eCommerce conversion rate.

The reason being that you won’t know if your marketing efforts are truly successful until you have the data to back it up.

On top of that, once you know what definitely works, you can replicate it over and over without having to do additional research and testing. So in the long run, it saves you heaps of time and can seriously streamline your marketing.

For details, check out 6 Myths of A/B Testing WooCommerce to Increase Conversion Rates.

How to Increase Conversion Rate for WooCommerce

That’s all well and good, but what if you have a WooCommerce online store? Can you still figure out how to increase conversion rate results with A/B testing?


You can use the A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension.

There are so many A/B testing plugins available that can potentially help with increasing eCommerce conversion rate results, but none of them are specifically designed for WooCommerce.

They also tend to focus on design changes that end up being a hit or a miss. These changes often fall flat, are incredibly unpredictable and intensely fickle.

Mostly because you can’t read people’s minds to actually see why they prefer certain changes. Sometimes people won’t even be able to tell you why they like certain updates over others.

Psychology and consumer marketing can help gain insights into these areas, but it will only take you so far since technology moves so fast. New design trends pop up so often that it’s getting more and more difficult to figure out what will actually work.

In the end, many marketers are left guessing what will work. Even with A/B testing, it’s so difficult to come up with design changes to test in the first place because people are too unpredictable.

Often, the weirdest things will work and you won’t even know why.

For example, in one case study, changing an image of a duck to face right instead of left increased eCommerce conversion rate results by 40%. Similarly another case case study showed an increase in leads by making a 2 px change.

No one knew why it worked and these changes can be impossible to reproduce, especially when you don’t know why they worked.

Predictably Increasing Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

So, what’s a better way to know how to increase conversion rate results, especially your eCommerce conversion rate? By A/B testing the aspects of your store that actually affect your bottom line. This is what will offer the largest opportunity to increase your eCommerce conversion rate.

Incidentally, what affects your bottom line the most is also what your potential customers will care about the most. It’s your pricing structures.

Even if you have a high-value customer base that is so enamoured with your company, they still won’t buy from you if they don’t think they’ll get enough value from what they’re paying.

If you have customers that aren’t concerned in the slightest with their cash flow and spending, you may be surprised to learn that they will still care about your price points, but in a different way. They often want price points that are high enough to amply express and imply their high status.

For example, most people likely wouldn’t invest in designer fashion if the price point was the same as the items in the bargain bin. Some definitely would, but most wouldn’t because it no longer expresses their status or the status they want in society.

Where to Look to Increase Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

With that in mind, there are different areas of your WooCommerce store to focus on pricing so you can increase your eCommerce conversion rate:

  • The price point of an individual product or service
  • Price points of all products
  • The price points of all the products in a specific category
  • Regular shipping rates
  • Price of flat-rate shipping
  • The minimum or maximum order value to qualify for free shipping

The A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension takes care of all of these areas. So, you’ll not only know how to increase conversion rate results, but you’ll also be able to start reliably predicting what will increase your eCommerce conversion rate.

There will be no guesswork needed because you’ll know exactly how much you need to raise or lower your prices to get the eCommerce conversion rate you’re after.

Increasing Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate with A/B Testing

First thing’s first. Before you start increasing your eCommerce conversion rate using A/B testing, be sure your WooCommerce store is fully set up.

Then, be sure you have a Google Optimize account. All the A/B testing data will be collected and reported on in immense detail using Google Optimize.

Create and set up a new A/B test on Google Optimize. Under Measurement and objectives, make note of the Experiment ID. You’ll need this later.

An example A/B test set up in Google Optimize.
Make note of the Experiment ID for your A/B test.

Creating an A/B Test for WooCommerce

Next, grab a copy of the A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension and install it on your WooCommerce-enabled WordPress site.

Now, in your WordPress site’s backend, go to WooCommerce > A/B Testing. Then, click the Add experiment button towards the top of the page.

The A/B test button to add an experiment so you can increase your eCommerce conversion rate.
Click the Add experiment button to create a new WooCommerce A/B test.

Then, fill out the form with the details of your A/B test:

  • Enable Experiment – Check the box to enable your A/B test.
  • Experiment Name – Type in a name for the test that you’ll recognize internally on your site.
  • The Experiment Description – Briefly describe what your test is meant to achieve.
  • Experiment ID – This is the ID you found earlier in Google Optimize.
  • Experiment – Select the type of A/B test you want to run. You can choose the pricing options listed earlier.

Once you have selected the experiment type you want, more options will be displayed dynamically.

For example, if you chose to test a product category, you’ll be asked to enter the pricing details and to choose the category you want to test.

Figure out how to increase conversion rate results by creating an A/B test.
Fill out the form to create an A/B test.

When you’re done, click Save changes.

Your A/B test will start and you can see detailed reports in Google Optimize.

You’ll be able to see if your test was successfully able to increase your eCommerce conversion rate. If you’re not happy with the results, you’ll still be closer to figuring out how to increase conversion rate results with the data you have collected.

Wrapping Up

Now you know how to successfully focus your A/B testing on what will actually help increase your eCommerce conversion rate. You also know how to increase conversion rate results for your WooCommerce store using the A/B Testing for WooCommerce extension.

What kind of A/B tests do you want to run? What are your goals for your eCommerce conversion rate? Do you still have questions about how to increase conversion rate results? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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